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Am I Willing to be Transformed? (Romans 12:2)

Little Flock Church

Sermon on 26 November 2023 by Pastor Justin Chia

We want to live everyday one day at a time, while our hearts are still pumping and our lungs are still filled with air, we want to live in the comfort of the Lord, to have peace with everyone. Let us not conform to the patterns of the world, because there are many people, as I speak, who do not have “today”.

Today we are going into part 2 of our series – Preparing for Impact. Jesus has warned us that the end of all things is at hand. False prophets are rising up, false teachers, doctrines of demons, doctrines of man. People are no longer searching the scriptures for the truth. They have itchy ears and they would like to hype up the teachers of their choice, unable to endure sound doctrine which does not align with their lifestyles. Especially with the youths today, Gen Alpha, they would go to the internet to look for the truth. The aim of this series is to make sure that the faith that is entrusted to us, we would guide it with our hearts, minds and souls. That we may not drift away from the truth that is the inspiration of God, which is good and profitable for doctrine, correction, reproof and instruction in our everyday living. As long as we still have “today”, we want to walk close to God because the Word is power, is life, honor, and it will prosper you in every area of your lives. Some of you might have heard of the new age movement, and the faith, fame, health, prosperity movement. All these are creeping into our church today. We want to stand firm and prepare ourselves like the wise virgins, to stand firm in the faith to prepare for the impact. We must live a Christ-like life and behold the glory of God, just like a mirror reflecting the glory of God, to be transformed in the image of God. The question remains: Are you willing? Your life 5 years from this day, largely depends on your choice today. Are you willing to choose to be transformed? We want to reject the spirit of justification, rationalization, as the devil would like to push his agenda to easy targets. All of the “buts” are easy targets for Lucifer and he is very active to look for Christians that like to justify. If you are willing to be transformed, you will eat the good of the land.

Romans 12:2 - Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.

Let us not mould into the values and the systems of this world, but be transformed. In the doctrine of demons, they say that this word “Transform” refers to being a transgender, how wicked and terrifying our world is today; That is why we must prepare for impact. The word “Renew” is not just to have a facelift, but it is what we call, in Greek, a “total renovation”. It is pulling down our old man and building up our new man. Your minds must be renewed, to have a total renovation. You will then know what are the good things that are acceptable and perfect in the will of God. We would be able to identify what is good and good. Evil nowadays can be mascaraed in the form of light, that is why we must be able to discern good from good and the spirit of illumination will give us the discernment that will let us do so.

Have you talked to anyone of a different faith before? My mother, who is a staunch Buddhist, passed a remark when I brought her to church previously. She said that in her temple, people will bow to her and give her a towel, and they will dress properly and are clean and quiet. On the other hand, Christians exposed themselves and she got upset. These are just in the physical realm, but we can go deeper and look at things our eyes cannot see. If my own mother can make such remarks, what else can the devil do to deceive Christians and use us, to be unable to differentiate between truth and truth? After listening to other preachers, we must continue to read the word and then we can see clearly the truth.

Isaiah 1:18 -

“Come now, let’s settle this,” says the Lord. “Though your sins are like scarlet, I will make them as white as snow. Though they are red like crimson, I will make them as white as wool.

God is telling us, let us reason together. The question remains: Are you willing? If you are, back it up with your actions – Talk is cheap.

Paul is very concerned with our minds, that is why spiritual transformation starts in the mind and heart. That is why the devil will put thoughts in our minds, through other Christians. If we do not guard what we hear, and continue sleeping over it, we will drift away. We all have an unveiled face, nothing blocks us. But if we are unwilling, the devil will cover our eyes, like the Bible says – the seeing blind. We will not be transformed in the likeness of Christ. Inward renewal of the mind leads to inner spirit changes into Christlikeness. The bible says that the things that we do in secret will be exposed on the rooftops. Our prayer lives will reflect in our physical lives.

In one day, there are 24 hours. If you spend just 5 minutes with God, let us reason it together. What do you think? God can just call back the 24 hours. As we speak, there are many people fighting for their breaths today. God gave us 8,760 hours a year, how can we be transformed if we just spend 100 hours with Him? God desires you to grow in Him every moment, to be transformed. If we read His word everyday, we will be transformed from Christlessness to Christlikeness. Christ must always be on our minds in everything. This does not happen immediately. It is just like playing golf: it requires time, energy and effort. Similarly, transformation requires time, dedication and commitment. This is called Christian Discipline. If we feed our bodies with so many hot meals a day, how can we feed our spiritual bodies with just one cold snack? It is normal for Christians to walk in Christlikeness, to be humble and to carry our cross. Many Christians today are living abnormally, so we must prepare for impact. We all need a willing heart to live a transformative life in Him. God does not need your ability. He gives us the strength and the energy to do everything, so humble before Him so He can work in us and through us. Those who are humble, willing and obedient, the Bible promises that we will eat the good of the land. Those who rebel and refuse, be ready for the wrath of God.

Question: Am I willing to partake in it? Am I willing to be transformed?

If we transform now, we will experience the abundant life that Christ came to give us. Let us reason together.

Question: How do we keep that experience going, day to day? 24/7/365?

How can we have abundant lives every day? By being transformed daily! We are not transformed by attending seminary school or attending a prayer meeting, it is a daily effort of being transformed. Do not be conformed to the patterns of this world, but be transformed, by renovating your mind. Guard your hearts, then you will know the truth automatically.

The formula to living a transformed life:

Tgap = S + A

Transformation = Subtraction + Addition

GAP = Good, Acceptable, Perfect

Our minds are empty, and we must fill this gap with the things of God. Then, the GAP becomes an acronym: Good, Acceptable, Perfect will of God. To do this, it is subtraction and addition.

1. Subtraction: Say No to the patterns of the world

I am a believer in the rhythm of life. When I wake up, I reach out to my bible and have quiet time with the Lord. That is my rhythm, that I will say no to the unhealthy rhythm. This is the first step towards transformation – being willing to simply say “No”. God disciplines us if we continue to say “Yes”; The Bible says that the wrath of God will be upon Israel because of their rebellion, and none can enter into the promised land.

2. Addition: Say Yes to the way of God

We must say Yes to the things of God. We must honour Him, revere Him. Only then can we have the Tgap . Jesus desires that we live a life that is constantly seeking growth. We must add on perseverance, self-control, love, until we grow in everything we do. When we are being tested, our fruits will come out. Jesus wants us to constantly add on all these things. That is why Paul is so serious about our minds in Romans 12:2. This concept is also practised by King David in Psalms. In the first book in Psalms 1, King David emphasises that we add a healthy routine and rhythm.

Psalms 1:1-2 -

1 Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. 2 But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night.

Then, we can walk, talk and meditate on God’s word day and night, and we will know what is the Good, Acceptable and Perfect will of God. We must have this Tgap.We must take away the bad things and fill in the Gap. People that do not do this will try to search for peace and purpose from the world but will always be unable to find it.

3. Outcome of Transformation: Discern God’s purpose, plan and perfect will for you

Christ is the only one who can give you meaning and purpose in your life. Many Christians find that we follow the formula but still cannot find out what is the good, acceptable and perfect will of God? The answer lies here: Our lack of time with God has prevented us from sensing God’s leading. We will be unable to discern the small still voice of God. If we spend so little time with God, when the Holy Spirit reveals to us like he revealed to Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12, we will never be able to identify it. It requires time, dedication and commitment. We must continue to let Jesus transform us in our walking.

Give your hearts and live your lives for Christ today. For as long as we have today, we must remember the formula. If you are willing, then you need the subtraction and the addition. Let us all add to our lives, the things of God, and subtract the things of the world from our lives. I pray that our Lord Jesus Christ will grant us the willing spirit to be transformed in Christlikeness.


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