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Little Flock Church

You are Sought After by Jesus (Luke 19:10)

Post-Christmas Skit Sermon on Sunday 22 December 2019 by Pastor Justin

Luke 19:10 - For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.

The skit we just watched is an amazing illustration of the parables Jesus taught in the book of Luke. 

In the parable of the lost sheep, the lost sheep represents sinners who departed from God. The shepherd represents the heart of the Father, searching for the lost sheep. When the shepherd found the sheep, this represents one sinner lost and found. In the parable of the lost coin, the woman who lost one silver coin searched high and low for it. God will go through all ways and means to look for you. We are all sought after by Jesus. In the parable of the prodigal son, the prodigal son's return to his father represents the repentance of a sinner. 

The Bible was written over period of 1500 years by different authors. The same theme resonates throughout the bible. It is about the God who created everything and who planned to come to us as man. Many look for the way to heaven. But they cannot find it. Instead, they find human law and human practices.  Christianity is not a religion. It is a relationship between man and God. Christmas is about a supernatural act of God coming to seek us. The one true God goes through all ways and means to find the lost. The Bible tells us we are all lost sheep. God came because of His amazing love for you and me.  700 years before Jesus was born, God revealed to the prophet Isaiah the coming of Jesus who was to come down as flesh, to reconcile us back to the Father. The boy Jesus is not an ordinary boy. He is Emmanuel. Emmanuel means God is with us. God is with us now. He name is Wonderful Counselor (Isaiah 9:6).  Jesus said "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the father except through me" (John 14:6).  God gave His only begotten son. That anyone who believes in Him shall have eternal life. When the light comes, darkness must go. We are all His creation, but we are not all His children. To become His children, we have to believe and receive. 1. Our sins are forgiven. Jesus' coming restores our relationship with God. 2. God promises new and abundant life to those who believe in him.  3. Jesus was born and died on the cross because you matter to him. 4. Jesus came to give eternal life, a purposeful and true life. Find life through Jesus Christ. By believing in Him you can find your purpose; you can have a purposeful life. 

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